== Looking Glass plugin for Open Broadcaster Software ==
[[File:Looking-Glass-OBS-Source-Add.png|thumb|Adding the plugin as a video source]]
[[File:Looking-Glass-OBS-config.png|thumb|Plugin configuration settings]]
If you're streaming your guest's games from your host and are using Looking Glass, there is a plugin available for OBS to stream video directly from the host. This avoids recording the Looking Glass client, which reduces latency from the game to your stream.
=== Build Instructions ===
The OBS plugin is included in the main source tree of Looking Glass, and is very similar to building the [[Installation#Looking_Glass_Client|client]].
==== Dependencies ====
The OBS plugin requires the following extra dependencies
* libobs-dev
Please install this package or the equivalent in your package manager.
<!--TODO: Look at different OS' repos to find package names like the client install-->
==== Building ====
These instructions are the same as when building the [[Installation#Building|client]]
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
=== Installation ===
[[File:Looking-Glass-OBS-Source-Add.png|thumb|Adding the plugin as a video source]]
The resulting liblooking-glass-obs.so file should be placed in your OBS plugin directory.
=== Setup ===
[[File:Once installed, you can select the '"Looking-Glass-Client"' source from the OBSsources menu. The configuration only requires the IVSHMEM file that is used by the VM, and this is pre-configpopulated with the default filename for Looking Glass.png|thumb|Plugin configuration settings]]