Client/Keyboard shortcuts

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Key Bindings[edit]

Please visit the Looking-Glass official documentation for an up-to-date list of key bindings available for the version you are using. The current version bindings (as of this writing) is available at:

By default Looking Glass uses the Scroll Lock key as the escape key for commands as well as the input capture mode toggle, this can be changed using the -m switch if you desire a different key. As of version B6-rc1, you can use looking-glass-client -m help to get a list of the optional escape key assignments, or you can use sudo showkey --keycodes and press the key you want to use to discover its code.

Below are a list of current default key bindings:

Command      Description
ScrLk        Toggle cursor screen capture
ScrLk+F      Full Screen toggle
ScrLk+V      Video stream toggle
ScrLk+I      Spice keyboard & mouse enable toggle
ScrLk+N      Toggle night vision mode (EGL renderer only!)
ScrLk+Q      Quit
ScrLk+Insert Increase mouse sensitivity (in capture mode only)
ScrLk+Del    Decrease mouse sensitivity (in capture mode only)
ScrLk+F1     Send Ctrl+Alt+F1 to the guest
ScrLk+F2     Send Ctrl+Alt+F2 to the guest
ScrLk+F3     Send Ctrl+Alt+F3 to the guest
ScrLk+F4     Send Ctrl+Alt+F4 to the guest
ScrLk+F5     Send Ctrl+Alt+F5 to the guest
ScrLk+F6     Send Ctrl+Alt+F6 to the guest
ScrLk+F7     Send Ctrl+Alt+F7 to the guest
ScrLk+F8     Send Ctrl+Alt+F8 to the guest
ScrLk+F9     Send Ctrl+Alt+F9 to the guest
ScrLk+F10    Send Ctrl+Alt+F10 to the guest
ScrLk+F11    Send Ctrl+Alt+F11 to the guest
ScrLk+F12    Send Ctrl+Alt+F12 to the guest